A San Diego Father’s Day weekend tradition, the San Diego Wooden Boat Festival is the premier event for Southern Californian wooden boat enthusiasts!The festival provides a rare opportunity for the general public to view some of the most beautiful and well maintained wooden water crafts both vintage & new.​
The weekend festivities include live music, food, a variety of booths, activities for kids and a raffle with a large assortment of valuable items donated from local businesses. All proceeds from the weekend will benefit the local Sea Scouts.​
NOTE: Many vessels will be open to the public for on-board viewing. All attendees will be required to remove their shoes before boarding any boat. We ask that you tread lightly as many of the wooden boats in the festival are vintage.
2024 Schedule of Events
SATURDAY, June 15th
9:00am: Festival Kick-Off Ceremony
10:00am: Young Lions Jazz Conservatory Student Performance
12:00pm: Music by Zach Brosi
2:00pm: Music by The Blonde Brothers
*Kid's Activities & Vendor Booths All Day!*
SUNDAY, June 16th
11:00am: Music by First Friday Music Club
1:00pm: Live Auction
2:00pm: Music by Jackstraws
*Kid's Activities & Vendor Booths All Day!*
Ticket Prices:
$10 for ages 16 & up
$5 for ages 6-16
Children 5 & under are free
Ticket prices are per day, Tickets can be transferred but will not be refunded.